青年研究员,博士生导师。 2010年和2013年于bwin必赢分别获得微电子学学士和微电子与固态电子学硕士学位。2018年于美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)电子与计算机工程专业获得博士学位。2018年至2021年在美国联发科从事公司新一代无线通信芯片的研发工作。2021年至2023年在美国创业公司Lassen Peak从事业界首个可实现电子扫描的低功耗便携太赫兹片上雷达系统的研发工作。2023年加入bwin必赢。
江晨于2016年和2017年分别获得IEEE固态电路协会的博士生成就奖(IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Predoctoral Achievement Award),以及IEEE微波理论与技术协会的研究生奖学金(IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Graduate Fellowship Award)。2022年入选国家和上海市海外高层次青年人才引进计划。
江晨的主要研究方向为应用于感知、成像和通信的硅基太赫兹集成电路与系统的研究设计。以第一作者多次在集成电路顶级国际会议ISSCC和旗舰期刊JSSC上发表论文,并担任多个IEEE高水平期刊的审稿人(包括JSSC, COMMAG, TMTT, TCAS-II, TVLSI等)。
C. Jiang, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A fully on-chip frequency-stabilization mechanism for terahertz sources eliminating frequency reference and dividers,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (TMTT), vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 2523-2536, Sep. 2019.
C. Jiang, M. Aseeri, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A 308-317GHz source with 4.6mW peak radiated power and on-chip frequency-stabilization feedback in 0.13μm BiCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Philadelphia, PA, Jun. 2018.
C. Jiang, M. Aseeri, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A 301.7-to-331.8GHz source with entirely on-chip feedback loop for frequency stabilization in 0.13μm BiCMOS,” IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2018.
C. Jiang, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A high-speed efficient 220 GHz spatial-orthogonal ASK transmitter in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuit (JSSC), vol. 52, no. 9, pp. 2321-2334, Sep. 2017.
R. Han, J. Holloway, C. Jiang, A. Mostajeran, E. Afshari, A. Cathelin, Y. Zhang, K. K. O, L. Boglione, T. Hancock, C. Wang, Z. Hu and G. Zhang, “On-chip terahertz electronics: From device-electromagnetic integration to energy-efficient, large-scale microsystems,”IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2016. [Invited]
C. Jiang, A. Mostajeran, R. Han, M. Emadi, H. Sherry, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A fully-integrated 320-GHz coherent imaging transceiver in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuit (JSSC), vol. 51, no. 11, pp. 2596-2609, Nov. 2016.
C. Jiang, A. Mostajeran, R. Han, M. Emadi, H. Sherry, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A 320GHz subharmonic-mixing coherent imager in 0.13μm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2016.
C. Jiang, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “An efficient 210GHz compact harmonic oscillator with 1.4dBm peak output power and 10.6% tuning range in 130nm BiCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), San Francisco, CA, May 2016. [Best Student Paper Finalist]
R. Han, C. Jiang, A. Mostajeran, M. Emadi, H. Aghasi, H. Sherry, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A SiGe terahertz heterodyne imaging transmitter with 3.3-mW radiated power and fully-integrated phase-locked loop,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuit (JSSC), vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2935-2947, Dec. 2015. [Invited]
R. Han, C. Jiang, A. Mostajeran, M. Emadi, H. Aghasi, H. Sherry, A. Cathelin and E. Afshari, “A 320 GHz phase-locked transmitter with 3.3 mW radiated power and 22.5 dBm EIRP for heterodyne THz imaging systems,” IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2015.
C. Jiang, J. Liu, Y. Huang and Z. Hong, “A low-noise, 8.95-11GHz all-digital frequency synthesizer with a metastability-free time-to-digital converter and a sleepy counter in 65nm CMOS,” IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2012.
S.M. Taleie, N. Saputra, C. Jiang, B. Sedighi, I. Chamas, B. Asuri and D. Seo, “Digital RF-DAC,” US Patent (US10686476B1), Sep. 2019.
S.M. Taleie, C. Jiang, D. Seo, U. Fernando, S. Patel, R. Rimini and A. Gupta, “Programmable multi-mode digital-to-analog converter (DAC) for wideband applications,” US Patent (US2019383924A1), Aug. 2018.